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The Limitless Collective

Website Terms of Use

By accessing or using this website, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use and any applicable online Service Terms.

These Terms of Use explain how you may use the website. Please read them carefully before using it. If you have any difficulties accessing or using the website, please contact [email protected]. If you do not accept any of the terms, you should stop using the website.

1. Your use: You may access or use the website for your personal use only. As a condition of accessing or using this website, you must comply with these Terms of Use, including the Acceptable Use Policy, cookie Policy, Privacy policy and applicable Service Terms. 

2. Accuracy of information and availability of website: The website is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis without any warranty, including implied warranties of non-infringement, compatibility, security, accuracy or any implied warranty arising from course of dealing or usage or trade. While I try to make sure that the website is available for your use, accurate, up-to-date and free from viruses or bugs, I cannot promise that it will be. I also cannot promise that the website will be fit for purpose or that it will be uninterrupted, timely, error-free, or that defects will be corrected; or that the website or server(s) that make it available are themselves free of viruses or bugs. I do not accept legal responsibility for any loss of material that is uploaded or exchanged with us. I may suspend or terminate operation of the website as I see fit.

3. General information purposes: The information and content I provide on the website and through newsletters and other means is designed to offer general guidance and information to support women’s careers and wellbeing and promote lifestyle choices that are aligned with their personal and professional goals.

It does not constitute technical, financial, medical or any other type of advice and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnoses or treatment. You acknowledge that any reliance you may place on the information or content is at your own risk. It is strongly recommended that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making changes to your current health regimen or lifestyle. It is important to take personal responsibility for your career, finances, health and wellbeing. My services are designed to offer general guidance, information and support but ultimate decision-making regarding your life rests with you.

4. Ownership of website and Intellectual Property: I own the website and all intellectual property (of any kind and whether or not registered) relating to the website and related business of The Limitless Collective ®. As the owner, I may use the website and all intellectual property as I see fit. References to ‘intellectual property’ include all materials, information and other content submitted to the website from time to time. Nothing in these Terms of Use grants you any legal rights other than as needed to enable you to access and use the website as set out in these Terms of Use. You may not use my trademarks, logos or trade names except in accordance with these Terms.

5. Third-party websites: I may include hyperlinks or references in the website to third-party websites. These are for your convenience only. I have no control over third-party websites and do not accept any legal responsibility for content, material and information they contain, nor do I endorse any of those websites, products or services available through those websites. Your use of a third-party website may be governed by the terms and conditions of that website.

6. Linking: You may create a link to my website from another website without my prior consent provided that the link does not (1) create any other browser or border environment around the content of my website or (2) imply that I endorse the website, products or services available through the linked website or (3) display any of trademarks or logos appearing on my website without my prior permission or that of the owner or (4) appear on a website that does not itself comply with the Acceptable Use Policy in these Terms of Use. However, if I request you to remove such a link at any time, you shall immediately comply and remove it without delay.

7. Acceptable Use Policy: You must not use this website (1) for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use or in any way that may disrupt my website or business or that of any third party or (2) to commit fraud or promote unlawful activity or (3) to distribute viruses or malware or other similar harmful software or (4) to promote unsolicited advertising or sending spam or (5) to engage in phishing or (6) to gain unauthorised access or use of data, systems, accounts or networks or to attempt to circumvent password or user authentication methods. You also agree not to represent or suggest that I endorse any other business, product or service or to use the website in any way that will affect minors.

8. Misuse or Breach of applicable Terms: I shall apply these Terms of Use in my absolute discretion. If you misuse the website or do not comply with any of the Terms of Use or any other terms and policies to which they refer, or any applicable laws, I may suspend or terminate your use of the website or take any action I consider necessary or appropriate to remedy the breach such as suspend or terminate your use of the website, remove or edit a submission or disclose submissions to law enforcement authorities.

9. Limitations on my liability: Except for any legal responsibility that I cannot exclude in law (e.g. death or personal injury), I am not legally responsible for any losses that were not foreseeable to you and me when these Terms of Use were formed or were not caused by my breach. In addition, I am not legally responsible for loss of data, loss of profits, cost of cover, or other special, incidental, consequential, indirect damages regardless of how caused. My total liability for any claims is limited to the sum you pay for a particular service.

10. Changes: I may change these Terms of Use from time to time. If I do, I will display the updated version on this website. By continuing to use and access this website, you accept and agree to any such changes and accept that it is your responsibility to check these Terms of Use from time to time for any changes. 

11. Concerns and disputes: If you wish to raise a concern or complaint about my services, please contact me [email protected]. I will try to resolve any concern or complaint with you quickly and efficiently. If you wish to take legal action, the laws of England and Wales will apply and the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction over these Terms of Use.

12. Affiliate links: I sometimes recommend relevant brands, products or services that I have used or would use myself and may include affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for any purchases you make through my links – this helps pay the fees to keep this site up and running whilst supporting the brands and products I love.  

v1.4 July 2023

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